About Us

This RenergyMax.com site has been set up to explore the many different renewable energy sources that are coming ‘online’ as awareness grows regarding the need to replace the fossil fuels that have ‘arguably’ contributed towards the global warming issues that the planet now faces.

There are many ways to generate clean and cheap energy including electrical power from wave machines sunk into estuaries, or the well-known wind farms that have changed the view of the countryside as we have known it.

magnetic energy was first explored by the world famous inventor Nikola Tesla, and is only now being re-invented world-wide by those seeking cheap (even free) renewable energy sources, whilst thermal energy from underground is gaining recognition amongst the renewable energy advocates.

The choices of which energy source to use is something that both individuals and countries must choose for themselves according to such perameters as cost, availability, and indeed political will.

Meanwhile the rush to find the most effective cheap source of energy that is going to cause the smallest ‘carbon footprint’ goes on…