Wind Power vs Solar Power Pros and Cons

There are several sources of alternative energy ranging from solar, wind, nuclear, hydro-electric, tidal to biomass amongst others. This article however, aims to explore the differences between wind turbine vs solar Panel  particularly.

The alternative sources of energy are meant to pose minimal environmental impact. Wind and sun are natural sources of energy that can be harnessed for domestic as well as commercial use.

Energy From Wind Farms:

wind farm
Windfarms can often be a blight on the landscape and are a source of some controversy – but they are the renewable energy of choice for many countries

In order to generate energy from wind, wind turbines are used. Recently, much attention has been given to cleaner energy sources and wind being one of them, many wind farms have been set up to generate clean electricity. A wind farm comprises of many windmills in a large area.

Energy is generated when a generator is turned by turbine blades which spin in relation to the wind. There is a computerized system that controls the direction of the blades for efficient spinning. A minimal 16km/h speed is needed to spin the blades and as altitude increases, so does wind speed. This is why most wind farms are in higher altitudes.

On the other hand, wind farms can be offshore, near shore or onshore. A wind farm is said to be onshore if it’s approximately 3 kilometers away from shoreline. A near shore wind farm lies within 3 kilometers to the shoreline or within 10 kilometres in water from the shore.

Oceanic winds are more intense and generate more energy than mountainous winds. An offshore wind farm is one which is located more than 10 kilometers from the shore and they usually generate more energy due to lack of obstructions on the wind’s way. Wind turbines are capable of generating 600 Kw to 5 MW of power. 1.5-3 MW is ideal for commercial use.

Energy From Solar Panels

solar panels for power
Solar panels attached to a roof is the most common application for solar energy, but they can also be attached to outbuildings or indeed frames designed especially for the panels in a place where they are likely to gather more precious sunshine.

Solar power is generated from the sun by use of solar panels. However, the cost of manufacturing solar panels is high even though materials used can always be recycled as they are not used up in generating energy.

Recently, alternative materials for making solar panels have been invented and their costs are slowly coming down. Photovoltaic cells within the panel capture sun’s rays and convert them into energy. The efficiency of solar panels relies on the amount of sunshine as well as cloud cover.

In the equatorial region, they are very efficient as there is a lot of sun and little cloud cover. In order to generate enough energy for commercial use from the sun, massive areas of land are needed to place the panels and the sun’s angle to them also needs to be considered.

However, for domestic purposes, solar panels are simply mounted on roof tops. Major buildings have also found a way of cutting their energy costs by installing the panels on some windows.

Comparing Solar Panel And Wind Turbine:

When comparing the wind turbine and solar panel, you have to consider the intended use of the generated energy. For commercial use, wind turbines are cost effective as they will generate energy throughout the day, unlike solar panels that will generate power only when there is sun.

Similarly, wind turbines can be placed in several locations. On a domestic perspective, solar panels are a better choice as smaller wind turbines generate little amount of energy and have to be placed in areas where wind flow is above average. This can be particularly tricky in sub-urban areas where there are obstructions like buildings and trees.

In addition, wind turbines generate a lot of noise and need regular maintenance, unlike solar panels that can last up to 25 years and are relatively maintenance free. Similarly, mounting turbines on rooftops magnifies the vibrations from the turbine due to the turbulence from the air, which is further enhanced by the building itself.

The vibrations create loud and annoying sound on the walls of the building. The blades are also dangerous to migrating birds which continues to be a major cause of discontent amongst bird-watchers and environmentalists in general.

Similarly, materials used to make solar panels are toxic and can pose health hazards if not properly handled.

On the other hand, small wind turbines are efficient for leisure boats as they are capable of charging the batteries of the boat from the wind generated by the speeding boat. The cost of producing energy from a wind turbine is cheaper than that from a solar panel.

Wind turbine vs Solar Panel – Conclusion

Nevertheless, both wind turbines and solar panels are eco-friendly and cheaper ways of alternative energy as the sun and wind are free and available naturally.

In addition, you only have to incur the initial cost of purchasing the panel or the turbine, only maintenance costs come afterwards for the turbine which can be low if the turbine is well kept, although the maintenance costs for solar panels is generally cheaper.


In conclusion, it has to be said that when wind turbine vs solar Panel pros and cons are investigated, there is no clear winner; it really all depends on your particular circumstances and your surroundings as to whether the Solar panel or the Windmill is going to be your best choice of alternative renewable energy.

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