Electro-Magnetic Energy Definition

Magnetic energy is a renewable energy source that has excited the imagination of free energy advocates

Magnetic energy is the force that exists between two magnetic poles which produces magnetization. Magnetic force is normally experienced around an area known as a magnetic field which is a vector quantity since it has both direction as well as magnitude.

Any object that has the ability to produce its own unique magnetic field is considered to be a magnet and the direction of its magnetic field can be determined by observing the alignment of the iron filings placed on some paper over it. Electrical currents produce magnetic fields just and similarly, magnetic fields always exert forces on electrical charges in motion.

As a matter of fact, electricity and magnetism are basically the same thing, and this relationship can be expressed by Maxwell’s equation. So, this implies that electromagnetic energy has both electrical and magnetic properties, whereas X-rays, radio waves, infrared rays, and visible light are all forms of electromagnetic radiation.

These basic examples of electromagnetic rays only behave differently due to their different wavelengths and frequencies. For instance, microwaves have low frequencies and longer wavelengths while X-rays have short wavelengths and high frequencies.

Different Forms Of Renewable Energy:

Energy in one form can always be converted into another form through the use of converters like turbines or batteries. A good example is in dry cells where chemical energy is always converted into electricity or hydroelectric dams where potential energy of the water is converted into electricity.

One of the attractions of Magnetic energy is that it is a reliable renewable energy source that you can employ to meet your energy needs without causing any kind of pollution to the environment. Its use has also been adopted in the industry. For example, Peugeot, a leading maker has utilized the same idea of polarity of magnetic fields in the design of its car, “Magnet.”

If you are seeking an alternative energy source to relieve an ever-increasing power bill, using a magnetic generator can go a long way in offsetting the cost, especially with the current shortages in natural energy that seems to be a major problem around the globe. This problem of high costs of electricity has not even made better by the increasing number of people who have resorted to using other ‘green’ forms of energy (wind, hydroelectric power and solar), as the initial cost of green energy is quite high as a result of limited supply against an ever increasing demand.

The Move Towards Cheaper, Cleaner Power Sources:

Higher electricity costs due to fuel shortages plus other factors necessary for its generation, has an adverse effect on our lives as they add strains on our budget and also come with unpredictability as to when their upward trend will stop.

harnessing the electromagnetic energy of a lightning storm is just one of the avenues open to scientists investigating free energy sources

We are thus ultimately compelled to look for other sufficiently cheaper options if we are to keep the lights on. The concept of an energy source that leaves a zero carbon footprint, is another reason why we must investigate the concept of magnetic energy in particular.

Magnetic Electricity Generators:

One of the low-cost energy sources both in the set phase and in continuous use is magnetic energy generation. Magnetic electricity generators have proven to be the cost efficient and cheaper electricity generation alternative.

This concept of a magnetic electricity generator is often referred to as a free/Zero energy generator. This generator uses magnets, plus magnetic force to induce a continuous energy flow. Since it runs by itself continuously without stopping, it creates completely free electrical energy.

Such machines are known as perpetual motion devices since they run without stopping, and do not require an external power source because they produce more energy than they actually consume. A large enough free energy generator can therefore be used to power a home with almost no added costs, save for the purchase price. Magnetic generators are also considered to be “green products” as they barely release any toxic by-products.

In fact, energy experts believe that magnetic home generators will be a prevalent force in the production of energy by utility companies in the next few decades because it is more environmentally friendly.

But before that time comes, we can still utilize this technology at very reasonable set-up costs. The cost of obtaining the materials used to fabricate these generators mostly average at less than $100. The raw materials are also easily available in most local neighborhood stores or at any Home Depot. Equally, there are several easy to follow DIY manuals for free energy generators which are commonly obtainable on the internet.

Magnetic energy Conclusion:

So, if you’re serious about offsetting the high cost of your power bill, a magnetic generator may be something that you need to consider.

Hopefully this short article on the definition of magnetic energy well help the reader to gain a better understanding of the issues involved with magnetic energy, and how they could apply it in their situation.

In this present age of ‘carbon footprint’ awareness and the need to conserve or renew our present energy usage, any renewable power source that is an efffective replacement for fossil fuels, is something that should always be considered for the environmentally aware individual.


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